tell our senators.

drop your name from S. 9.

& vote no on h.r. 28.

Mississippi senators roger wicker and cindy hyde-smith are cosponsors of senate bill 9 (S. 9), the senate version of H.R. 28, which passed today and would bar trans & intersex women and girls from playing sports at Title IX institutions.

see below for senators Wicker & Hyde-Smith’s direct contact information.

Sample Call Scripts:

“Hi, my name is [Your Name] and I live in [Your City]. I’m calling to let you know as your consituent that I do NOT support H.R. 28, S. 9, or any other bill that unfairly restricts Transgender & Intersex athletes from competing. I urge you to drop your cosponsorship of S. 9 and vote NO on HR 28 and any other versions of this dangerous and unnecessary legislation.”

“Hi, my name is [Your Name] and I live in [Your City]. As a former/current athlete, I want you to know that this bill does not reflect the real interests and issues facing women in sports. Drop your cosponsorship of S 9 and vote NO on HR 28.”

“Hi, my name is [Your Name] and I live in [Your City]. I support the right of Transgender & Intersex women and girls to play sports. Drop your cosponsorship of S 9 and vote NO on HR 28!”

Sample Email Scripts:

“Hi, my name is [Your Name] and I live in [Your City]. I’m contacting you as your constituent to voice my dissent toward H.R. 28, S. 9, or any other bill that unfairly restricts Transgender & Intersex athletes from competing.

Studies show that Transgender women and girls have no inherent advantage in athletics, and there are no sports, especially in Mississippi, in which Trans athletes are sweeping podiums. In fact, there are only a handful of schools and universities in our state that even have Trans athletes in women’s athletics.

I urge you to drop your cosponsorship of S 9 and vote NO on HR 28 so you can begin to tackle real problems facing Mississippians like me - starting with underpaid teachers and our ranking of 30th in education.”

we encourage you to personalize these scripts or write your own from scratch! Please reach out to us at if you need help crafting your message or want more talking points.